Here are a few poems that have come up over the years. I haven't tended to think much about them- they sort of wrote themselves. They feel like little offerings that have often arisen to clear up some issue/ theme or feeling I may be working through, leaving me with greater clarity and integration afterwards. I do not seem able to name them or punctuate them.
In the Woodlands
I disappear
Walking legs and eyes
Melting head and heart
Textured squawks
And silent land
There was never a dispute about your differences
And though the acorns drop
And brambles cling
Not a word did you speak
You just stayed exactly where you were
You continued to grow
Through it all
Your bark fell
Leaves too
Leaving their taste and fragrances
To the earth
To join the great offering
Oozing pure delight
And gentleness
Tiny, delicate like a bird
Perching on a slender branch
In perfect balance
Humming sweetness
Pouring light
What a scene
Strong though
She knows
She holds
She's seen
Her textures enter me
Moving things inside me
And as If by magic
Squeezing to the surface
Those remaining parts of me
Yet to receive the great embrace
Crumbling castles And stick house concepts No longer support the weight of ideas Grasping fingers Trembling body A dying breath Of Invisible promises Once made Only to serve as lines to the boxes In which homes were made Neat lines and rulered corners Timely smiles Predictable moves What now? How wind owns this land Without borders Curving and crafting as pleases Delighting in misshapen gestures Stirring stagnation Squeezing life from its tube Stop That’s all Loosened and parting fingers
Relaxed body cage
Body breathing space
Mind breathing silence
Silence- my home
Love the images that arise when the words are read.
Thank you for posting Chrissy.
Now I know where to post poetry as it does not seem to be part of the creativity section on the collective.