Developing an attitude of trust how it may help
My inner life transformed by prayer when I started to give gratitude as if I had already received the thing in stead of pleading please give me the thing!
so thank you thank you thank you for all my lessons..
I was plagued by deep fluctuating feelings of connection and disconnection senses of alignment then absence of it.
my self talk for much of my life is like many a chronic dualistic labelling and concluding this is good state bad state.
Here is my story As a volunteer community worker in my youth club around the age of 21 I learned about social education one key principle was about forming positive attitudes in the young people, I had no joy in doing that unfortunately but a few years later no longer working with youth I was matched with a mentor from the charity mind who was a former head teacher for a school and he eventually after several mentoring sessions questioned why many young people had poor attitudes towards society.
having done my due diligence synchronously in reflecting from my own dismayed efforts to change lives for the greater good, I learned for my benefit that that I might change the man in the mirror!
I found this out,that attitudes are formed from the conclusions we make or sadly the conclusion our peers and society dictates or social engineering how deep down the rabbit hole do you go long story short. I now know why I was called a role model, I must have had a decent attitude before I got a few kicks in the teeth sort of speaking. Now I’m diluting the negativity that I still have to remind myself of 24 years later. Is a great work.
So what does this have to do with universal law and spiritual awareness? it seems that in the grand scheme of the cosmos we gravitate according to like attracts like. so ultimately not just in earth life but in the afterlife and it just so happens that in my opinion forming a benevolent attitude attracts benevolent guidance from invisible beings or intelligent energy of cosmos for good luck. And just as much beneficial circumstances that are true and authentic to meaning and purpose simple contentment can form seemingly effortless action.
You might if you can muster inside or by deed the intention to work on a single virtue there are hundreds just pick one a transformation takes place symbiotically with all attributes under the master virtue of love! by the way there is an antidote to any vice just place attention on the opposite scale as a game of duality ying Yang playfulness in action a chart can be found on the web for reference somewhere.
In the process of kundalini and attending the monthly zoom meeting I have gleaned some thoughts on the subject of trust if we can conclude that either the universe is a safe place or not.. greatly affects our experience of it. Please I would love to hear what you think?
I personally feel that life forms and invisible life forms are provided for abundantly through out our universe and that scarcity is a false condition or program when I’m confronted by a negative entity I have met a few big ones I simply refuse to engage in war fare I just simply fight how I believe angels fight with awareness discerning with peace and trust in my ability for non-dual composure and trust that I’m at all times connected to source my mother and father birther of the cosmos.
Regards Darren