Living teachers and cultivation of connection to advanced beings
The wu chan martial arts is from the Shaolin temples the most advanced martial artist in the world is form this tradition Shi Yan Ming is a 34th generation Shaolin warrior monk, teacher and actor, best known as the founder of the USA Shaolin Temple.
He is also the most developed person on the planet I am inspired by that.
I practice tai chi I have done for 25 years and I wondered how far a tai chi practitioner has come I investigated with intuitive techniques and discovered a practitioner who lives in china and he calls a temple as his home and has no use for money.
I was surprised to learn that he is 176 years old and has a full set of teeth, imagine that it could be his forth or fifth set in his life time thinking about vitality and life force to renew his body he is the 35 most powerful martial artist I saw his facial features and some other visual images of him with a younger man who seemed very dear to him perhaps a student with Taoist clothing a disciple.
I have had god tell me that my destiny is to be nothing and a Buddha say that our subtle essence is empty but now this encounter with the foremost tai chi practitioner tells me and aids my path by saying I was not even born!
I am sharing this with you because I would like to expand your boundaries as to what is your limits may be,there is ways and means to grow on your journey with out having to even going in search of a teacher, you can connect not only with invisible beings but it is possible to contact people around the globe.
fortunately I left a good impression and he conveyed to me he had made a new friend on the path in Great Britain with out even leaving the temple and helping a fellow on the way I’m grateful and send praise to him.
I wish the kundalini collective a wonderful and inspiring journey into the great brotherhood and sisterhood of light how ever this transpires.
Paramahansa Yogananda often stressed the importance of cultivating an inner sense of knowing:
"Intuition is that directly perceiving faculty of the soul which at once knows the truth about something, without the help of the senses or the mind. Intuition does not depend upon any outside data whatsoever, and can give you knowledge about things which your senses and understanding can never give." I can understand how this can lead to the connection to advanced beings, as you described, if we continue to develop our potential Thanks for sharing.