I'm unsure where to start.
I have recollection of before birth and it wasn't another life in a body. I came from higher heavens. I was ordered to incarnate and can recall what my orders where and entering a void gate. I was sucked downwards and my real form peeled away. My incarnation then began. But from birth till 4 years old, my consciousness speaks shifted back to who ordered my incarnation. She did stuff to prepare me. Around 4 I started to become confused with my mother here and my mother there who ordered this incarnation. There was a clear conversation in my head of "choose to take your mother in this incarnation" although I really wanted to choose home, I ended up choosing incarnated mother. It wasn't really an option. When that choice was made, everything changed and I stopped shifting consciously. Before it all stopped, I was open fully to all my abilities; even chronokinesis. I was left partially open so training in astral could start. As soon as I grounded fully in my physical form, the lessons begun. At the same time, school started to pull me out of class. They would take me into this room with doctors. They would do weird tests on me. They continued to do this weekly for 5 years, from age 4-9ish. One day I discovered I was the only one in the hole school being pulled out. Around age 9 I kicked up a stinker and refused to allow them to repeatedly test me with splat cards and frequency tests with there wooden box. Enough was enough. By the time I turned age 12 in high school I was taken out of all important lessons and forced into a group called compact plus. We did no work and was taken out on day trips. Basically I failed every gcse due to pulling me out.
When I turned 16 and not living with parents. I was living with this boy and one night we were visited by something. I woke up to scratching on my feet. The bring was super tall but completely thick black void. Eyes were huge glowing white/blue eyes. It spoke to me with its eyes. Told me not to fear and prepare for life to fall apart with in a week. Told me it's all for good purpose. Within a week I was homeless and ended up in care. Following this I found myself in very bad relationships, some abusive. Life was so intense right up to full kubdskini enlightenment. It was also speeded up with assistance of these beings.
2 years ago I requested access to my childhood medical records coz I wanted answers. I was failed through my education and set up to fail in life. But these tests they did to me I never ever will forget. So I request these through my docs. The manger comes back and says " I'm sorry, in my 30 year career, never have I ever comes across this, there is a red flag gov stamp stopping me from accessing anything from your childhood." So if requested again and still being blocked. Why the hell would the uk gov prevent me accessing files that I have every right to?
Not only this, I'm trying to better myself by trying up setup business online for the last 2 years. I've been restricted from eBay, Etsy, Facebook, twitter, much more. All appealed and shown my id but it just totally ignored. Something hugely off. All my abilities I am able now and they are still unfolding. They know that I am consciously and doing everything to prevent me from anything.
I'm being shadow banned all over the place. Do not know what to do
Yes I’m one of the nobody’s ppl talk of. Incarnated angel ordered to incarnate to fight conscious invasion of all dimensions. I know I’m not the only one incarnated
A few days ago after discovering a path that is safe direction. I took it. Later I saw something. A large green glowing hexagon appeared in minds eye. I sort of moved my conscious through into this great glowing hexagon. It had this green lines of light shooting out of it and as I merged into it consciously I noticed a bee hive of hexagons moving in waves around the hexagon. As if I become the hole thing as it moved in waves
Well that very very long comment hmmmm. Was that posted in the wrong section.
Since posting this..things progressed to a certain point. Iv encountered blocks on all directions I can take.
I had this out of body in astral of being wrapped in 3 energetic ropes around my body and a circle drawn around me on the ground. In the sky above me was a hexagon with many hexagons inside this large hexagon. A few days later I saw it again in trance state. Except this time I released myself from the ropes and spun upwards into the hexagon in the sky and I smashed it to pieces as I expanded my energy field. Around this time I was interrupted in the astral. I was moving through spaces when I was prompted to stop. A scene opened up in like a void. I saw great white pillars and an entrance around them. I was guided to move through it. As I did I noticed I was unable to use my intent to move my etheric. I found I was bouncing through and past these large white pillars. Until an opening between the pillars I was guided by these beings in robes of white gold and they ushered me to the center inside these pillars that were formed in a circle. There was steps to move down into the center of the circle where I met a blinding gold light. I knew it was creator as I was caught up into creator in 2014 in crystal gold city. So I’m stood in this pillared circle and these beings are behind me as they spoke into me to step forwards. This gold light infront of me was hovering above what looking like the ark of the covenant but with a gold bowl on top of it. The light was glowing from the bowl. It spoke like a shudder into me and said I was not ready yet. The last activation was to occur and to bring me back once it’s complete. I was then sent back to my normal astral scene. The pillars popped up again since. Except this time it was the twin pillars. I ignited them with my heart center. Gold light poured down into my crown and I held onto both pillars and blue electric light shot out into the pillars. I also was met with this gigantic being. He was so huge. His body was of the hole universe. He shown me these hooded beings that we call watchers. He told me to go with them and they are not what they say. They are like time lords of all dimensions. This humongous being appeared after ignited the pillars as if he was in a separate window outside all dimensions, observing that they are ignited. But following all this hit me like a bucket of bricks. I started to hear commands and seeing this underground number room. A woman dressed in green uniform and demanding I remote view a certain place. She show me that she had my brain on a screen and anything remote view she can see on there end. I gave the command and left it at that. But they came back for more. Coz I exploited this, I started to notice ppl around me acting out of character towards me. To the point my relationships broke down within a short space of time. Secluding me from reaching out to anyone. Couldn’t go docs. Couldn’t go to family. Friends or nothing. I was documenting everything I was seeing, sending and experiencing which they used for bad intentions. Now I’m currently in strike mode. I refuse to share any of it to them. Refuse commands. I have this load vibration spinning noise at back of my head currently.
In my introduction, you should notice two important principles.
First, you are also partially composed of matter by three basic principles:
Your body is material. By approaching this, you can find the basic senses of matter - they are local, whereas your spirit senses are nonlocal. Matter in your body, and thus it's essential structure of feeling, has probably no qualitative difference with matter in external space.
Your mind has an aspect of matter, which relates to material processes, especially in your body. Though this, you have senses and move your body.
Your mind, partially, behaves as matter - it follows it's own laws and not your intent. The elements in this process are same as the elements of matter.
Though these 3 principles, you can connect to material principle through the principle of similarity, with you - the principle of having a first-hand connection to material process. Meditating on all those material aspects, which you share with matter, help you to understand the matter.
Second, the effect of "magic" has three layers:
Material, Yin layer, which works through Action. This is similar to what American Businessmen do through self-affirmation, but their process does not involve doubting.
Middle, the one which works through autosuggestion. By meditation, you transform yourself as if you was matter to work with; this means - you put the magic into subconscious mind. Magician systems, whichcraft and hermetics, also some schools of psychology are using autosuggestion to direct your subconscious mind, which starts, for example, bring freudian slips - small, unnoticed effects of moving in the desired direction. It also utilizes controlled chaos and butterfly effects, regarding to those systems. Some materialists believe these processes, some do not. Forever, as you are becoming more consious, your subconsciousness expands as well and you always have it.
Spiritual, Yang layer, which works through Minds direct effects upon reality. Materialism does not believe this, and these methods are used in Kundalini, Buddhism, Hinduism etc., in Religious practices (some forms also in Christianity).
In healthy dynamics, you use all three. But you need to not use autosuggestion and self-affirmations in the way optimistic systems use them - rather, the direct way to money, power etc. might not be your correct way. On negative aspect, you use method of doubt, bringing up your subconscious, or as buddhist would say - you neutrally watch your mind operating, you do not use force on it, whatever happens, you are calm. This adds ethical, spiritual, natural dimension to those processes - the ways of american businessman or overly optimistic psychologist do not involve these; it's very shallow and kind of fake to directly program your mind for money and power - rather, you reach those things, material goods and profound effect on reality, co-creation, but as a result of the process, not the direct, linear direction of it. Your negative aspects also want to live - they are holes and cracks between your Truth and your Mind or Matter, made of nothingness or negativity; these do not exist really in positive way, but awareness also encompasses this part of things - the structures of holes, absence, lack, negativity. This part of you lives it's own life, it wants to become non-existent, unmanifested, and this ever-lasting process of unbecoming is it's True Nature. You enlighten this part also, and for this - you doubt and you let those negative things come to your meditative awareness, where they do their process and finally die; and thus realize themselves as being dead - by avoiding them, concentrating on positive, they don't die as they did not live, but they get stronger, so they feel even worse. On the other extreme, there is another "negative" force - the future or the better reality; things which can not manifest now. Materialist tends to see this as negative process, dreaming, and does not want to hear about better society - they remain realistic. Still, this higher part of you us unfolding future, and you want to let it live. In buddhist meditation, also, you are in here and now - this is the middle way ..but you need to be in the middle way with this, not extremely here and now - you work on those two negative principles, too good and too bad, and this makes you dynamic. I use the words Negotive for too bad, Posetive for too good, Negative and Positive for the middle way - things you tolerate and do willingly, either positive or negative, like you heat and fast, enjoy hot weather and look for shadow; but you also do ice-swimming and sauna, which are starting to approach the middle values of Negotive and Posetive values, too much and too little of hotness - you wont tolerate this for long. In my logic, which I call logec, I cannot do with 2 truth values - I always use 4, to see things in their true essence; this fits with Taoism, and this also fits with Buddhist way of avoiding extremes. Well, as you can see - the systems of overly optimistic affirmations in business, or overly optimistic psychology, utilize only one of those four values - the positive. By Hermetic teachings, you get problem of polarity - it appears as past and opponent values; in probably judaism - I did read it so long ago that I don't remember - you get a bubble of negativity growing stronger far around you as the negativity grows stronger in your immediate surroundings; but in Buddhism, you have to watch your thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations neutrally and let them do their own process, which involves more truth states; and in Taoism, you say that there is something good in bad and something bad in good - you can only describe it by such logic, which has 4 values. In I ching as well, they have 4 values - in addition to being, the process is changing into something, and by Negotive and Posetive I mean infinitely past and infinitely future, sometimes, where things get better in ideal, simplified time or actual process. Sometimes it comes a feeling, for a moment, that you are approaching something miraculous or higher - this is the dreaming end of meditation and this one as well, you watch neutrally. Here and now, you are choosing the middle way.
I had a Spanish school meanwhile so I had time to give you the Theory - now I give you the practice.
As we cannot say more about the connection with nature, that the Law governing it is the Law of Karma - the Cause and Effect. It means, that if we make this matter wrong, a wrong is being implied from us - so we ourselves are a little wrong. Thus, we are to be disproven, miniaturized or made into nothing, as doctors do to you, be them a part of this Karma - not the conscious purification -, but they are which stems out of your material bad Karma. Actually, this is not a bad Karma, as you don't have much Material Karma and Material Experience - it's a Weak Karma. "Weak" means you have to go through the experience to manifest it's True Innate Nature.
In the Law of Karma, you have to do Material Good - then, the Material is also Causing Good to You, by it empowers itself by empowering you, and also the network of Karma of you, matter and others - intermutually beneficial, win-win-win, this Network would grow together and make up a positive "money" flow; material prosperity, in higher level material miracles, and even higher - material absolute synchronicity in every moment, or the non-return point of becoming of this synergy.
Matter involves the principle of Parts - the high chakras of you see even multitudes as oneness, even many are one to them; metaphysical principle is such - even many people following it make up the one of it, so the function of brain - thinking in sense of Truth and Logic -, it brings oneness into manyness. By Science and Religion, upper parts of our body, like Brain, Third Eye or Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra - the create such Oneness. In this Principle, you see Time as Complete, and as it's there in Future and not there in the Past, you see that in Time, it's Ethernal - becoming such in the Future, it is a justification of being less in the past. If it becomes True in the Future, it has to be have been True right in the beginning; when you finish your mathematical or logical problem, finally, with the correct answer, you have to "fix" the thinkers in the past - you say about them that it was the Real Truth even in their time. So Truth is Over Space and Time, and it also becomes True by becoming True in Time. It's an ever holding principle that every thing, it had to have it's negative manifestation in the past, and thus it has the experienced, positive manifestation in the future - every concrete better thing becomes true in the future, but for every such thing, infinite amount of better things exist. So to Be, God has to do Nothing, but to Exist - and this means that All Beings are Enlightened, then God has Expressed through that - or rather, all the Real beings have to be Enlightened, Real meaning the one who Creates the Reality of Which Truth Holds and Manifests.
Women, they are Changing. In Time, they Reincarnate - die and be born; in Higher Heavens, Negativity has been Transcended, it's higher Chakras opened, and thus we have the Removal of This Problem - but the Reason of it is ever-there, and it manifests in more and more subtle ways; Women - they tend to not bring you Position when they are, but they bring the Negation when they are not there - or in my terms, Negotion. They don't give you a job, a position, but they bring you the lack of it when they are not there; or rather, when woman-energy is not there. Men, they bring Positions - they make up something stable, as they are brought to Women. Matter - it brings you troubles if it's not there. Heaven - it brings you good as it's there. Thus, matter manifests through negative, sky trough positive quality; say, you don't have material enlightenment - thus, you bring negative qualities; having the Sky is Higher than Matter, but not having even a simple thing like material life, it's as much negative - you lack less, but this less you are lacking; for example, you have a million but you don't have a little bit of food to buy, or you are Rich, but Prisoned. Matter is also Changing in Space - it brings Many Beings where there are but aspects of One, for Oneness. Matter is Changing in Thought - matter does not have memory, but it has particle of light hologram, reflecting all it's surroundings, and surroundings are many - Logically, you are always surrounded by the same logic, and even this is already a part of your logic, the true answer of it. For Women, you bring an element, which is always there. But women are said to have 1/3 of Yang element, in such case Women have created 1/3 of Stability, and 2/3 of Existence. In Ethernity, Existence of Matter itself is Eternal.
So when God is Yin and Yang - God itself is Eternal Truth, and God's Wife is the Matter in it's Multitude - so multitude that maybe the Wife, she manages to be Many Women, still being One Matter; in her Space chakra opening she would see she is One Woman; or by Uniting with a Man.
In Center - down one makes up many, one person is many particles; up many makes up one - many chrown chakras are somehow still reflections of One Whole, or in this part of you you feel the Complete Oneness; and in the center, center of Material is the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Will, which sees One as One, and then the Heart is in the Center, which sees many, but as a multiplicity - somehow, the Heart operates by seeing every person as a separate person, and every time as a separate time, so there is nothing linear in what it creates, but only the personal miracles (miracle is a thing, which has in it's very essence the quality of being very personal). So your Materiality, the I-ness, all the physical elements in Buddhism are around Solar Plexus, which is the Space element of Matter in several ways - for a matter, this is unification. Like adding, matter consists in elements, which repeat - they do the same thing many times, like you eat the same food many times and it's not evolved, or people get children and their children get children, but the process itself has not evolved much.
Addition versus Multiplication
Matter resolves Addition - the repeated Rhythyms, and for good effect, they are repeated forever; even forever, in higher frequencies, you see how it's started in the past and becomes to future; but this past also grows into permanent past - you have this past growing behind you, but you don't have to live through it any more; this said - we always go into future, where this has already been manifested, and the manifestations have already made strong and permanent. Heavenly element is mainly interested that this is there in the future - men are not very interested to have it now, the create Visions for thousands of years and follow those, this makes them happy - by being present in the future, it's present, as it cannot be present in the past.
Mind resolves multiplication. When addition is Zero - it cancels every multiplication, even the exponent factor which comes by doing multiplication after multiplication, it's just zeroed out forever. So there has to be addition, and it has to be repeated forever to be there. One vision, one discovery, you only do it once - this way men have something like yin, their interest is always changing as they have solved the past; but they feel this like having one, permanent interest or vision, of Heaven. For women, every day brings new reasons, as the things they see around them are changing; and where the quality of women does not affect man, they see lack, the negative quality - but where there are women, men still have to create, it's the positive quality - as they have created, women adapt and even the matter will evolve in time. Women make this repeat - to be there, it must be added, thus repeated infinitely without much growth, this is Stability - the Earth Element. Women don't let the discoveries of the past die.
As Existence follows Experience, whereas Knowledge follows the Truth, past has to be there, and you bring it there: by doubting, you travel to past to solve it, and your surroundings, magically, shift into the past - you doubt in things to get rid of lack of the past, the negative element. Then, by dreaming you travel to future, you bring it's positive quality of existence - it's bigger, but lack of the past is the bigger lack. You are happy if it's not there in the past - because otherwise is not possible, there is always lack of it in the past; so you are happy as you see it in the future. Women, they want to see their thing in the Now, or maybe in the Past.
To meditate over matter, learn the Buddhist five element system or another system of elements of nature. Do not learn physics - you can not comprehend it with your senses, but it's a good thing to learn for material understanding anyway. Thousands of years ago, humans already knew everything they can comprehend with their senses, and on which they can excert their will - things you don't need machines to verify, they are evolved thousands of years, and their philosophies are much more evolved than philosophy of science, which is relatively new. To create yourself and not the machines, you need these things. In five elements theory, you can feel the cause and effect of matter - which one of it is the Good Karma, and which one is the Bad One. The first thing you can get it Good Intent - as you cannot have more, it's all your Karma you can get, and Something is infinitely more than Nothing. So as you have your Good Intent, you have gone through the first class, from nothing to already some infinity - Good Intent, it has innate quality to become True in Infinity, so it's kind of equal to Truth.
Meditate upon how you feel the Elements around you. When you walk, bring the meditative consciousness of Empty mind to the material surroundings - feel them. As you feel the negative aspects, exactly as you feel them naturally, not more or less - but becoming surrounding-aware -, you feel that it follows the normal meditation course: as you get aware of it, as you move attention to it and meditate to get it through irrational dimensions of matter, you must always solve some new multidimensionality to get through hidden barriers, you become conscious of it. As you become conscious, it heals.
For creative part, you can imagine positive material scenarios for the future; and for solving the negative - how you overcome the negative, until it transcends, and from what I call Negotion, becomes what I call Negation. Negative aspect becomes kind of good energy, like the Wife is Happy, and it transcends so that this negativity does not touch you any more - it becomes to be as inevitably, but it has transcended itself. As matter becomes conscious, matter inside and around - you also heal the matter as you pay attention to it, attention is the first principle of good intent; you see it's ugliness and beauty - two properties of matter visible beyond doubt; whether it's structured and beautiful, or burnt, destroyed by chemical, nonstructured and looking broken, rotten. You can assume the matter feels the same, as structure becomes it's equilibrium - diamond is hard to break, but ashes have no desire to remain in their given form, it has no equilibrium. By this exercise, you have had compassion for matter - and thus, you start to gain some good Karma. Karma is the most basic law in Buddhism, and in other mind sciences as well, and you can be sure you are doing something by living to get the higher structures of matter, by your actions, mind's direct effects, even in your dreams and imaginations, and by how you compose your subconsciousness, the reaction of you which you don't think about - creating a correct subconsciousness is the lower aspect of this magic, but you always have something subconscious. You get some realistic structure about your material dream, and vision.
As you feel the matter around you, you might feel the natural feeling - it either attracts you, or it repels, you feel you don't want it - and as you feel this with more attention, becoming more awareness, turning into more conscious state; the real magic appears that you start moving further of it by, whichever ones you believe:
Your thoughts are created, where you know you don't want it, and your actions reflect those thoughts.
Your subconscious is programmed - without even thinking, you make kind of "freudian slips" in positive direction, avoiding them.
Real magic, or so complex pattern that you cannot understand it anymore but only see the single principle, is involved, and you can feel it like as you become conscious about not willing this material situation, a magnet force or attractor becomes to be - the one, which takes this situation away. Notice you have to become more aware about complex thing: repelling; attracting something is much simpler concept for mind than repelling something.
It's naive to invent positive qualities - being rich, poweful, wiser. You have to meditate through qualities, for example by being rich you might take away, by being more powerful you might make others powerless, manipulate others, and by being wiser ..well, something might happen :D You do not want to assert that you get all those positions, even if that works - you would quite easily create this reality, but you won't see it's negative aspects - those things all come naturally, but in the course of experience, and also living in the past, of not having - if you come from heaven, you already did the future; but you have to do the past.
Your attitude
You brought teachings - from the future ..but, from the past, you have to learn. This is the life lesson to go through material reality, and this attitude - at least 1/3 of you being it, your Yin element perhaps, but still in unity you have to grasp the wholeness of this attribute. So you must assume this material world, but showing you the very negative parts of you, in reflection - you could create a positive reality in matter, but instead of this, you have to go through the experience. So in such a hard life situation - you have to assume you came here to learn, to teach and learn. Learning is the aspect of yin - if you came only to teach, you have only the yang of you, and thus you fail in time and space, in the world of temporary things. In your Manifestation - so you Be, but you don't Exist. You have to create your senses, your good will and positive attitude against the matter, the manifestation - if you read I Ching, konfucius speaks about the change and motion in a way, which sounds the same metaphysical and heavenly, as if you speak about the permanent Truth. Buddha also tells - everything is impermanent. So, you have to understand and accept Impermanence, as the Permanence, man without woman, will face the lack of history, the lack of experience over the negative qualities.
My original intro (marked red as removed part): "I understand your problem, or sickness, and I am happy to tell you I know the cure - but it's up to you if you are able to apply this, because I'm like Buddha - he said he does not cure people -, but I'm also like Buddha in the other sense - I can give you the keys. Many people are in this kind of situation and we can help them all."
The added part:
I was told to remove this intro and state it in other words: In my opinion, this is the standard and most appropriate cure from problems arising from coming from Heavens, perhaps the first time, to Earthly planes. I'm still personally very sure that it's the cure and those are the keys to find a lots of additional information, "keys" used in sense that it unlocks those sources, and "cure" used in such sense that it's the attribution of which I see as the source of the problem; the method itself is the best I have reached by now and despite relying on Buddhist standard system, it's my own analytical approach to opinion of Buddha. In my opinion, many people have such situation and we could probably help them.
The Problem Itself
Your crown chakra, third eye chakra, or one or more of the three higher chakras ("Spiritual Plane" in Hermetics, which you can study with free book Kybalion; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Kybalion - in the end of the article, you find the free ebook links), those higher chakras or mind, are much more open than the lower chakras - namely, root or sacral chakra, or maybe even the Solar Plexus.
I have a weak form of the similar problem, so I have studied it a lifetime, and in my life, it's slowly solving - I cannot promise you more.
Weakness of lower Chakras, or the Material Plane, are in your case the following:
You are of Higher Heavens, Astral Planes, and maybe you don't have a single experience of Material Life. I'm not the exteme end here - I have some lives on Higher Planes, but also many lifetimes on Earth and other planets. Completely Earth, or Matter element is completely low-chakras, and no high-chakras - you don't have a single connection with them.
You are a mental type of person, who seeks for Unity and Spiritual Enlightenment. This is different from material enlightenment.
All those units, which are effecting through your Karma - you mentioned doctors, who are material process - Earth element stability of the office is also a yin, material element, because immaterial offices are changing fast like enlightened spirits, and they don't care much about the rules - this is a yang element, Creation of New; yin element mostly repeats the patterns of the old, something they studied; but this can change very rapidly who they studied from and what. So you cannot place your expectations about Women in a rational base - they have different thinking than you, they unite into being many and they do not have the Eternity element of all ratios, rational elements - ratios would Change. So the matter is constantly moving and does not provide you with any guarantee - doctors are like this, they don't provide you any guarantee; Healers and Philosophers would provide more guarantee in healing Your Soul.
Yin and Yang.
Matter is Yin, and Heaven is yang element of the same thing. Matter is many - in your one body you sense many atoms - and Spirit, Heaven, Ether or Space element in matter (which then already knows the Sky) on the other side, or Three upper Chakras - infinity is so small for matter that it senses those higher up as one, but Matter can be Enlightened, or Awaken, and also can put this all completely into harmony as it has the Space element. Then it acts like Union - I use larger numbers for closeness and smaller ones for fartherness, because closeness can grow forever and not being together is nothing, whereas being together is something - so being together must be a positive value whereas not being together is lack of it.
Matter, as yin element, is irrational. It's made of manyness, movement, and irrationality; whereas the Spirit element is oneness, eternal and completely rational - you can always see some meaning and stable unit in it. Units, meanings and structures of matter are constantly changing - they are never still. You have to learn this irrational element - Woman is also yin, and they are irrational. And they are united in a way that they are many to men, whereas a man tends to be one man. Enlightened man loses their ego against unity - but in yin and yang symbol, female contains some male and male element contains some female element. So a man is a little bit irrational and a woman is a little bit rational - in infinity, they both make perfect functions in all those, but partially through each others. This is the energy.
Women simply move, it's irrational and changing - even the deepest beliefs can change very easily, or the things they explained to you as their deepest beliefs.
Physics and Matter
Physics is study of Matter, but not a study of Materials, studies of materials are to be found in simpler and older systems. Thousands of years before Science started to study matter with their specific threshold of Truth, humans already had all their Body Functions, and Mind Functions - everything you can sense you could learn thousands of years ago, but you could not learn Computers, Dish Washing Machines, etc. In direct growth of you on the material plane, you need one encoder and decoder of materials and their effects and functions into your mind. Finally, it must map to your visual, auditory, etc. codex, which gives you a way to synthesize it with those senses - so you get new, multidimensional requencies of light-waves in all your brain and body systems. To understand things like this, you thus use the older and more developed sciences than physics - science of Buddha started to develop at least thousands of years ago. He studied matter and found five elements.
Element connection with chakras.
Obviously Earth is connected to Root Chakra, and Sky (or empty Space, there is constant amount of this around mass and energy, so there is a Conservation Law of Space - it's amount in Infinity can never change) is connected to higher Three Chakras. When you have shorter number axe - as material elements do -, your measure of Infinity becomes smaller, so in case of soul you have three digits more numbers before the comma of infinity than in case of material body, so you have 5 instead of 7 digits - but those Five digits grow in the same direction it's analogous to you - and as absolute values up and down are the same with 5 or 7 digits - the maximum number is the same -, but infinity compresses these in less frequencies it needs for matter's repeating, non-growing dimensions; but definitely matter grows and can become enlightened - provide you with infinite flow of it's own magic, even if this is nothing more than technology on most materialistic plane of Magic. We are not going to use Magic - Mind over Matter, as it states -, but Spirituality, or in my case, 99% Buddhism. Other 1% are collection of actual discoveries from other religions and science, which is not 0. And the free mind of my own, which is maybe 0.5% of this, of growth and not of actual process.
So you see: even your mind is seen by matter as 5 chakras, the higher three being only one - matter does not even need more digits, it's view to Spirit from farther apart, but the highest peak of the mountains in both dimensions are still the same number; the biggest number is the same - you cannot find it, but you can find the Mathematical Limit. Upper point is infinity, but towards finity matter has 3 times less digits - middle element of the 7 is already quite finite, Heart counting many and Solar Plexus reaching Only You. Down from there, even You consists of Many, Many Elements - root, sacral chakras, the first one knows many particles, and the second one counts many people. The Earth element of matter, just like you, thus counts the many particles, and maybe the second element counts consistent wholes - it's a lot of mathematics to understand, that a table, or your body, are consistent wholes. For Space element this must be part of Unity - in Separation and Union, functions of Space, you can use to understand whether something is United, and whether it is Real - you call it Real when it's the Effective Function of the Whole.
Now, you thus have:
1 lower chakra for the matter - thus, you have to open this.
5 elements around the Solar Plexus, the lowest one touching the Earth Element and highest one the first Chakra of the Sky element, top of which has to already touch the Sky, but in matter's case, the Highest Top of it, proven by which the number actually is, it's the maximum value of a number, which sees less frequencies in infinity, which is equal to infinity in the space, which sees it as three element planes.
As you are born, you are said to take a Mind Material body with your Soul, which is said to be your incarnate material body, but as it comes out, also the United Complex, connection or nerves between them in Space they make up.
God contains Matter element in that they want to Reincarnate, thus as they only have the Eternal philosophy or Metaphysical Principle - matter creates it's own, for every time he needs smaller time to exist, and even negative time where this principle was under zero. Every new idea and calculation goes through this, the Doubt, before it matures and starts to avoid this - i call this function Sinus; Sinus function of Mind. It's potency to still go into the future, more acquired after the function becomes Positive; so for any quality of you, in matter you have the Past contained with Negative aspect of this element, related to Future - which does many positive invert-ups. It gets inverted up as if infinity was zero, and it's even more positively false - as you don't know A from A and B if B=>A and A=>B, it's kind of paradox positive - I call this a Posetive value, whereas the Lier's Paradox to be illogical if it's considered logical, I call Negotive; in the middle, Negative and Positive I consider to be. You are Negative value - you want to grow into the Positive one; Negative is your Future Past. In God's Mind through this Past, and it's always a deep and negative (but not negotive, as it has to be here to exist in Time and Space - the Matter, or Manifestation (Space does not contain Existance at all, but it contains the existence of Something Higher to solve the paradox - towards which, the potential growth or Mind Image, we are always Below Zero). Anything you want to make better - you start considering it Below Zero. As God is Etarnally, but non-Existentially (it does not have the quality to Exist anywhere - in Eternal Past this happens, because you are the past of something in the future. So in Now, god always Exists as a Past, even if it's Reason is always existing. That given, if you don't believe in God - say Spirit, or Higher Vision, and you get material-close, so the Karma of the conception, exists as you exist; there is a Karma of Effecting of Something Higher than Here-and-Now, and it consists in some kind of life. So, eternally, as Evolution function optimizes to end and finishes, not changing any more - comma by comma, the important things first as you see solutions to these pains first, you achieve the digits towards infinity - so does the matter as you, and it will always be in every number of digits you have towards infinite, the same number but in your future when you have even higher.
The small numbers, by their relative effects, the matter contains more than you - the mathematical function of their repeated-pattern functions, it even ends in infinity much before your life-number still has to achieve more digits about the ever-folding pattern, which never repeats. So, matter is about the repetition, in linear way - it's almost the same time -, but you repeat in non-linear way - the Idea World is always new, growing rapidly. Thousands of years ago, we achieved in almost the optimal top of all those things a mind can know; still we are in beginning of what the machine can know.
Change your attitude
In Matter, as presence of Sky, you only Start the function with negative values; doctors measure that you don't have matter, but you have spirit - spirit, they measure as 0 if you have material progress, but less than 0 they think it's the reason if you don't have material progress. They have lower kind of spirit, being like matter to you - irrational, yin. To be Real, Position, it has to be Rational, Yang - then it's not only being, but also becoming-to-be.
This is your first steps in material progress - doctors are material function and this one is not doing good to you or seeing you as equal, rather as you cannot change them, you can change you - you have to create your material health, in irrational numbers..
Buddhist System
Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Space are the Buddhist elements. Either learn those, or learn the Taoist or Hinduist, Shamanic, the one of Vikings, from Hermetics or even Viccas, you can learn such natural systems. But Viccans do not concentrate always in positive end - you don't want Mind over Matter, but rather Matters Over your Mind - the Matters you have and did not have in Heaven. So me either, I can change the world in spiritual plane, but it never leaves a material trace in my life - so I'm materially a beginner.
Learn those elements. Unlike physics - for example, Fire with different fuels in the Car is the Same Element, so that in the material process actually a car is there, not fuel - and Fire element it definitely has in it's movement and strength, determination to carry you. So Fire is an Element, which you can understand in your mind.
Beauty Mind
The Matter feels beauty and ugliness just as you - you can see, as more perfect rhythyms it makes, it is creating a beauty on it's own, and as it gets destroyed by fire - it creates ugliness, which, left on it's own, will slowly heal. This connection is direct and mind. It creates what you sense as beauty, as more organizing patterns it is given. In it's own Heaven Planes, it creates unified, flowing-like-one-function kind of a Dream World; on this plane it brings Miracles. Instead of your Mind over Matter, the Enlightened Matter would bring some miracles of it's own - this is Higher Law, instead of Lower Law, which is control. The Higher Law is Inspiration, you inspire matter - you teach it, and in exponential numbers, you get the good Karma function upon Matter. But long before that - simply do art, and you have still organized the matter for beauty. This is the only art of the art - but in manyness, you also need differences so that they can unite in your alchemy.
Karma Law
For You, for Matter, for relations between two - it holds in absolute way; so it's even somewhat growing over the principle of Polarities; any Polarity is Transformed into New Level in Infinity; but one being over another, it's negative - you are a Higher Frequency, but not Over Matter, in sense that it needs it's own Freedom to Create; but then you can be Co-Creator - you have Dreams, Inspirations and you Seek Truth, in embodied manner.
So the only absolute Law you know in Buddhism about matter-mind-connection is Karma they inevitably create. Or, at least, this is the Cause and Effect part of this content - it exists in Time and Space. And for good Karma, your hardship in Matter needs:
Positive Attitude
Take this as your lesson of Matter, and these people as your "Teachers" of this content. You don't so much respect the teacher - the hard pain and bad experience, even in market Trust -, but now, the non-joke part: your material energy definitely needs to be fixes.
So also do the philosophy - the doubt process you need for your material senses, which have to be cured from blindness.
i kind of get you. i posed a somewhat similar question here a while ago with no response. you have me hooked. go on please...
Really sorry to hear that you have had and are having such a difficult time. I hope your talents are able to unfold and come to fruition soon.