Recently i used a vision of going inside the earth with the intention to find a power animal...
I entered via a hole in the ground,letting the vision to unfold without control....
As i was going down and down through caves and tunnels,i reached a large hall with a sea-lake waters.. There was a small empty boat as well..
Truth is i can't remember if i took the boat or not...
However i remembered my intention to meet a powef animal,and i started to look around...
An old lady was there..Her face was veiled and she was dressed in black...
I ask her '' who are you''?
No responce...
She was just standing there looking at me.
Soon i started to feel that it was something else,(a power) and what i was seeing was an interface. A power dressed up as a human being...
I ask again' 'what are you' '?
No responce as well...
Then i tell her that i cane here because i'm looking for a power animal....
A HUGE rinocerose outline appears in the scene.
I absorbed it inside me,and while i was doing that,i could feel energetic sensations and movements....
Then the old lady is giving me a thread..
I ask her,what is that thing and bow to use it...
I see a scenario with pictures and instructions,showing me how to use the thread....
I ask hern(again) to speak to me and reveal who she is...
Next day i had infos and automated knowledge,promptimg me to look at the tree of life and the sphere called '' Binah''
I had seen this word somewhere,but i was never into kabbalah. Maybe some scans over the names of the spheres and that' s all.
It matches...
The dark sterile mother (the old lady i saw)
The water element(the lake-sea i saw)
The virtue of this sphere is silence (she was indeed silent).
The dark colour (she was dressed in black)
Another one and propably related to all this:
One night while i was sleeping,i felt suffocation..It was like i was dying in my sleep due to lack of oxygen..
Soon i was overtaken by bliss.. Like i had crossed to the other side...
And there she was:
My beloved(deceased)grandma was standing near to my bed,smilling...
I felt waves of love,and i woke up...
Still not sure if it was her if the archetype of the old motherly figure,but she came to me again(twice)
Thanks for the input guys..
Apologies for misspell..
Dark and sterile reminds me of Dhumavata. Personally, I source from her beeja mantra. May be unrelated altogether, but the word association made me think of.
I only have a basic understanding of the Kabbalah, but it does present a path for healing and awakening. I like this book's perspective on following the wisdom from this tradition: