Three years ago this wonderful collective supported me in a way that really changed the game. I just want to share the beautiful words that encouraged me to go beyond my fear,
-”Once you’ll manage the energies you’ll experience the immense blessing that it is!! Im already thrilled for you!! Basically when you have kundalini, it will intensify everything, so you must be very aware of your emotional, energetical, mental, physical state because it will hurt you faster if you stay with any negative influence in your system. That is a blessing because it will show you how you can live a happy aligned life. That you have blockages in yous system is clear, the wind energy blocks a lot of organs and kundalini wants to get rid of it. But nothing is broken.
Last thing that come through is: get out of the driver seat. You have an amazing gift to feel this energy so clearly and you can do amazing thing with it, but for now you’re getting to know each other and you’re clearly the student here.
Welcome to the unknown! Keep that in mind, nothing that happens is EVER bad. Your mind will want you to believe otherwise and takes you on a rollercoaster: emtionally and energetically. Guilt is your ego, always. Stay firm in this and ask to be shown in a kind way why its good for you.
-”The key is not to take it personally. It's a process unfolding in your body (and you're not your body). Most likely the energy is activating your glands and hormones and releasing extra cortisol and or adrenaline and creating a fear response. Your mind is then attaching to this with a story about 'experiencing an energetic short circuit'. The more you can step back and allow this to unfold without getting drawn in the easier it will be and you'll pick up a a big lesson.”
-”For me the break through moment was when I could just accept what was happening to me; that for me as long as my intention was positive everything would work out all right.”
-”Just remember that this process is non-linear and there will be times and moments where fears and anxieties will return to you and that is OK. What is really happening is that you are being given the opportunity to grow and become something more.
I believe that one of the the ‘gifts' of Kundalini can be paradoxical viewed as the challenges that come out of it, as it forces us to face our fears in a world where we have many ways to distract ourselves. I would suggest that facing our fears, traumas and anxieties as long as we do it safely is the way that we can grow individually and collectively, and the Kundalini process presents us with a safe path through this, if, we can learn to understand its language which comes from practice, patience and sharing.”
-” There is nothing ‘wrong’ with you. You are exactly where you need to be, and things are going according to plan.
I found learning to question the rigid beliefs I held about my kundalini is very very helpful. Understand what beliefs you are holding and learning how to question and free yourself so you can experience the symtoms without your story. This is central to the work of awakening and I would have thought in time will be helpful. You are officially on your hero’s journey. You will be ok, and we will all be here to support you. Your journey will challenge you and ask everything of you, but it is all elegantly designed to bring out the best of you.
Finding yourself in impossible situations that you can’t solve. Feeling trapped, or out of control is typical of kundalini. And I personally have had hundreds of similar situations over the last few years. Humans like to be in control, and believe we are in control. Kundalini will challenge that theory, and it helps to get good at being ok, with feeling a little out of control. These situations can show up on an inner level or an outer level. Getting used to the discomfort is important, as it might continue for a while. It’s normal for kundalini to put you in impossible situations, where you feel something is seriously wrong, and you are the only person who has these particular issues. That’s the point. Just realise It will pass in its own time.
Rigid beliefs are everywhere. Well you can start with all the ‘shoulds’. I should be at work, I shouldn’t have scanned my body, this shouldn’t be happening, etc etc. I shouldn’t have this energy blocked in my chest. I have to solve this problem etc. Then you have all the catastrophising. My life is ruined, this is terrible, things will never be the same again etc etc. Beliefs are everywhere. Learning to hold flexible beliefs is key.
Kundalini will direct and shape your life in some respects. Learn to relax your beliefs and opinions about yourself and your life. Don’t hold on to them so tightly. There are thousands of tiny beliefs that will be challenged. So hold on to them softly.
Ultimately this is a journey you have to face alone. There will be lots of experts out there, but nobody can really know what you’re going through. This is why it’s a hero’s journey for you.”
-”I had days of intense fear too. It can be helpful to observe that fear as a witness if possible, again trusting and even celebrating the process. Oh look, it's bringing up intense fear, or it's sending my energy this way or that way, or making my body do remarkably strange things. You are very lucky to be where you are!”
-” You describe feelings of anxiousness, fear, and regret. If you were to connect with these feelings would the energy calm? Perhaps you would find more emotions underneath these ones. All the friction from layers of emotions can play hell with the energy. It can seem as thought the 'phenomenal' energy needs a 'phenomenal' soultion. But perhaps the solution is much more simple.
- ” It takes a while to get used but then an underlying relaxation emerges and it is something to be grateful for.
A lot of things get cleared but you get good at simply watching them leave your system. I seldom have to think about kundalini but it’s always helping me.”
Petter don't know if I am the person with fear that you are referring to....but want to say thank you for your post. It has helped me many times ....there is a calmness in your writing and explanation of the energy that helps a lot. 7
Wow amazing share and so helpful! Thank you ❤️🙏🏻