This had happened sometimes,right after my kundalini-shakti meditations..
I caught my self performing mudras and postures,while dancing with green velvet's dj sets.. Body movements were fluid and natural,like someone else had taken control over it..
I really love that when it happens..
Anyone else on the same page?
All K people. We awake and are still subject to more suppressive factors. Even here. If we are all to be honest. Be brave enough to pierce the unknown on your own. We may be inadvertently creating our own dileniative factors.
It's really cool that we have such experiences. Me, as a western born wasp.. wow.
I don't shy away from pioneering major change from my kitchen window.
Seems to me that part of this crazy game in the knowing that arbitors of disharnony fall away with ease under specific conditions.
Seems like a good time to reevaluate requirements and presumptuous.
Yes I've had those as well. And still do. The dancing is rather rare but that's probably because I don't listen to music much anymore. The body does snake like movement on almost daily basis, it feels like it's good for the spine. Mudras are daily and occur many times per day. There's also different kind of hand movements. Also a big list of other involuntary kriyas.
And yeah when these occur there's a pleasant feeling of bliss associated. The depth of the bliss varies. These are completely spontaneous and I don't really bother to intellectualize them too much because you can't really figure them out with the mind anyways. The body has it's own intelligence which is far greater than that of the mind.
And on a sidenote I'm a Westerner and didn't have any prior knowledge on mudras. So it's quite fascinating how the body forms them with zero intellectual information about the subject.
Yes! I believe these are called Kriyas. I sometimes have kriya flows that last for hours. Its all old trauma release for me. I’m increasingly sure it’s how Yoga was “discovered” and flows were formalized to accomplish specific goals. This includes everything from breath work to mudras to bandas, to the flows you do in a typical hatha class to dance and so much more. I love them!
I felt the urge to adress her as well....
I will open a new thread about it..
Prior to my awakening, I didn't even know what a mudra was. Upon the initial night of activation, I was dancing by candlelight with and at times, seemingly merged with Devi.
The style of dance and mudras flowed automatically. Hard to even put words to. I haven't had that experience since, but still find myself using alternating and unclassified (due to my lack of research) mudras that feel energetically appropriate/beneficial for the moment.