My Kundalini journey thus far has led me to this question: What does it mean to love myself?
Recently, a teacher said that we make the leap from ego to spirit when we love ourselves completely. I always thought I loved myself: I make cakes, buy myself flowers, cuddle my dog, and nourish myself with daily walks in nature. Still, I was never quite able to grasp what it actually meant to love myself at a deeper level. I didn’t believe myself when I made affirmations like ‘I love myself and accept myself exactly as I am.’
I have now found a few ways of redefining loving myself. I think about what Rumi said, that we don’t need to seek love but remove the obstacles to the love that we already are. I am also reminded of someone, I believe a Sufi mystic, who said the path of love travels the way of pain.
To love myself is to be willing to meet what arises in myself: to bare it, accept it and allow it to transmute. I don’t say this lightly as I still have an aversion towards pain- the hardest thing I’ve ever done is meet my shadow.
And then, who does the loving of oneself? I remind myself that ‘what I really am’ is good, whole, complete and accepts my humanity exactly as she is. My true nature is free and welcomes my pain. How do I know this? When I sense into the felt sense of presence, the velvet tapestry of ‘now’ – I know that She can hold all of me. My ego can’t answer this question- my Self can.
So then the question has become for me: Where do I put my attention? On the small voice of wanting to love myself, or do I reorient myself towards the truth of my Being- the silent, still presence who doesn’t have a problem with things as they are. The more I focus on Her, the more of ‘who I really am,’ love, will shine through.
You make an interesting point. Are we OK with living our lives knowing that we are not perfect, prone to errors and misjudgment, sometimes doing good and sometimes maybe not so much. And, if so, can and do we still love ourselves at the deepest levels? Does it still mean that we are spiritually "good" people? Are we still worthy in a sense to continuing our spiritual evolution, of having our kundalini awakening, and whatever that entails? I was imperfect when it all began for me and I'm still imperfect. Yet, here I am still going through all of this. We do what we can do. No one is perfect - the guru wearing the garb, the priest or…
This is beautiful Chrissy ❤️ I am also working on self love and compassion! It’s not easy
Exactly this is my understanding as well. Just yesterday I posted my views in this video that also addresses the similar questions and pondering at