I am now several times addressed that intuitive knowledge is superior to intellectual knowledge and I must be underdeveloped if I like to address the intellectual and philosophical nuances and aspects.
I want to say that intellectual thought can lead to holistic models of the world, and the materialist people, who reach them, must be considered to be enlightened. A person, who has well-developed rational views, which lead to consistency in use of ethical principles, have achieved a materialist equivalent to enlightenment, and their contribution to the world can be valuable. For example, a well-organized society aligns well with synchronicity.
Principles of Karma are essential to Buddhist teachings and one can prove that in material world, when analyzed by game theory, the ethical models survive more probably. In more oversensory world, the telepathic effects or effects of subconscious communications can make the same effects faster and more powerful. Technological, ecological and political miracles follow, when good karma is achieved by masses. This atheist achievement is used by spiritual people, who must have deep respect of the people providing them with things they actually use.
For example, a mystic experience of love is often disregarded because of sensationalism. Love between people can be proved to make them more efficient and creative, leading to considerable goods. It's natural to provide people with complex visualizations and emotional patterns when they experience the deeper mathematics of love, with great emotional vibrations from the futures love would bring. Still, it's essential that love is more central conception than those experiences, and a materialist experiencing some kind of love or responsibility would also enrichen our experiences with more purposeful material work.
We should see that purpose, meaningfulness, love, friendship and equality are qualities shared by spiritual and materialist people, and by making those essential qualities more visible and providing rather clues to mystical, unbelievable experiences associated, would foster a dialogue. Atheist or materialist can be Buddhist by recognizing it's ethics, and the ethics would make them benefit more. For example, if you see auras and perceive a loving situation with many colors, you can describe this as "colorful experience of love", with the aspect of being "colorful" perceived by materialist in different way. Associative thinking of materialist is similar to mystical experience, and the colors you see as auras with "more neural connections" would still be associated with same feelings with people of less sensation. Love is the central thing and it's not so important that different people learn different qualities of love and do not experience it in the same way - when different people experience love in their own ways and share the same basis for communications, the karmic effects are deepened; the subtle clues would connect sensitives, who indeed have additional qualities of interpretation and sensation, and as AI commented about this topic, would "foster curiosity and exploration" in others. It's bad to sound so sensational and foster a gold rush in people who forget the central conception of love and run for something unexplainable.