All posts must follow the code of conduct.
Welcome! If you would like to post, please sign up in the members section.
Events (Organised by KC)
Upcoming events organised by the Kundalini Collective
168Events (Non KC)
These events are organised outside the Kundalini Collective. Please only post if you feel that the event is a safe space
41Your Awakening Story
Tell us about your awkening process so far. Please share your journey.
40Kundalini Discussion
Questions and discussions about the Kundalini Awakening process.
77Spiritual Awakening
Questions and discussions about the spiritual awakening process including NDE's, OBE's, Entheogens etc.
16General Discussions
Discussions about anything else not specifically related to Kundalini or spiritual awakenings.
This can be books, videos, counsellors or other. If enough people recomend we will add to the help section.
29Creative Work
This is a place where you can post and share your work. Music, art, photography, video etc.