We often share the challenges of experiencing a kundalini awakening, I'd love to hear about gifts that people have received or talents that have emerged as a result of going through this process...❤️ peace and blessings x
Siddhis have emerged and then often disappeared as my Kundalini process was ongoing. Never sought them out, they emerged spontaneously depending on what K was doing at the time and where it was most active.
They included the gift of healing, remote viewing, astral projection, lucid dreaming, prophetic dreams and premonitions, sudden, flash-like realisations about the nature of things, at one point a free flow of creativity in the form of poetry and prose, channelling deities and their power and many more that I'm probably forgetting. Much stronger manifestation abilities too, but for some reason only when I wasn't trying and often they resulted in comical situations as I realised some thought I was having or was preoccupied with, caused a spontaneous manifestation IRL.
Yes they appear and disappear - witchcraft tries to change the Nature, but Miracles and Mystic Paths, they want to raise it to the new level, to fulfill the Nature more completely. I'm not talking about a modern witch, who is part of the modern society and knowledge of Religions, but I refer to the historic past, which existed before humans learned Peace in Larger Societies - people of old times were perfectly enlightened in terms of the Tribe, and we are not enlightened at all when it comes to borders of Civilizations; so we can easily imagine a being, who would see us as a Pagan race, and our religions as simply stating that in Heaven, you have the Wars of Truth and the Lies; the higher Civilization would easily Unify any contradiction between our Religions and Sciences, and instead fight us away from the Leadership as we are Pagans. So the modern Pagan is not Pagan, but in relation of words I say "witch", maybe I would say "bad witch" - but there is no "bad Buddhist".
I wanted to notice that I have had bad terms with people, who want me to prove some Siddhi and they give me a task, which is against my conviction - even more, my Siddhi is not there to prove it, but I got it to do something useful and Force is not a toy, we are not just randomly moving the energy around to show that it can move. So I see nothing in witchcraft like this, witchcraft of proving the Priest of Science that they can do their Scientific Rituals with the energies, which come into play in my Dynamics with Nature - so if they don't want to live a Rightful Life and find out themselves, then all I can do is to point out the mistakes in their Science Theories about Ethics and Business, I can talk in their own terms, but they really do not have anything to do with my Mystical Experience and Powers - there, only argument left to me is that I have right to see the World in my own ways, as long as I follow the obvious reasoning, and as long as I don't try to jump down from mountain (well I did that, it was very fun, but I was three days in hospital chained to bed, because they won't really understand why I trusted myself this day; from my own viewpoint it was relatively safe as I really felt the force - but I would not jump down from high mountain, even if I felt I could fly), as long as we don't blow others up for believing in Quantum Equations, or as long as we don't rob a girl to follow an old Pagan tradition; I have to live this that I cannot prove it to scientist - I say my life goes through Synchronicities and Miracles appear, and I'm relatively in control of them, but I Follow the Force as Jedi in Star Wars and I don't try to Foce my Will.
The Sceptic person sees no miracles, but want's to prove the classical magic - and those people, Nature just killed them with the help of Evil Catholics, once it saw that they really want the Gold and the Power, and I guess the Skeptic would do the same if I really fulfill their wish and start using Force for nonsense. So I think we always have the Siddhis, but in the dynamics of our Soul, we activate them according to the Force and do not try to exercise some random, blind will to experience what Buddha calls "sensual desire", and act of seeing empty force just working, doing a sex without love, or eating false vitamins, or pretending friendship because you have nothing better to do than playing the theatre to your senses ..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_stages_of_awakening - here you find "sensual desire" and it made me think lately. I found new conceptions of Buddhism, they are less gorgeous and look more like simple life philosophy, but right now they seem very meaningful :P I was more into looking into Mystics and Miracles, with some qualities of Mind, but now those things look like life teachings and they do not provide any miracles directly, like the philosophy of living here and now, being more modest, but they seem utterly important now in getting me out of the troubles I have found. Often they serve the simple goals of material life. I think all spirituality is like this - modest. I mean it always was, I'm not so stupid, but now I have got more simple even in my own terms, I can feel that - and here, indeed, the try to exercise Siddhis just because they are Siddhis seems even more stupid; the Laws of Nature are there, because they are perfectly reasoned, and the Miracles are rare in this realm, because this is perfectly reasoned - and there is no point to try to do something every day just for the purpose of doing something, which does not happen very often; it's like eating a whole box of chocolate and potato chips - you can do it when you are a child, but as an adult, you can get very bad feelings, even if you still love the sweets and trash food.
Psychic ability to manifest some certainty in my world, so that I was certain in some things; energy to avoid certain things happening to me. These protection shields were surprisingly strong; now I am in the Hell phase and it's fearing and endangering me all the time - it wants to burn my weakness; all this process seems to burn my weakness and I think it's more like Father, than Mother, in sense that it's not soft teaching, but it's definitely a gift.
I see much more into the Future, the feeling of future events my actions and deeds produce, is very strong.
It burnt a much higher scale of emotions into me - more purified, more beautiful auras, and replaced the normal colors with neon colors. Also it did teach higher social level, which is a gift. Right now, anyway, it shows the hell and I don't have social relations :D For boys like me, definitely there is more to do in the Hell than in Heaven - I always feel I lost something in the Hell and I need to go there (Dua Lipa has this song, Hotter Than Hell, this explains the thing a little).
Such a realistic Hell is also a gift - it's better than scouting and I think Kundalini also gives you all you need to get "through each level" in this "game"; it's not completely a reality, but it's something the Universe want to tell me. I think it would be the dream of Tom Sawyer - he said he does not like the idea of Heaven, just some nice women singing to you, but maybe he was a boy and not a man :D I think, especially for boys, the real Tickets to hell, which provides you with all the things you expect - nuclear fires in the sky, demons, zombies etc. -, it's a real gift, because when you come back you look a little like a man, whereas when you started, you was a boy. I think classical enlightenment has less of this element, usually they went to the Heaven and calmed down, and still live there if they are not dead.
The very high vision of the order in the Universe and the meaning. I think perception of order, meaning, the direction - it's a very high gift, because without this understanding, your struggles are completely bad. It's not such a great feeling if you are an atheist and think that in Evolution, finally the bad side wins and you will be simply one body in a realm of a mad dictator, destined to die after you had this zero-experience. Or another, that you are simply a meaningless structure of matter. I think if you feel the meaning, and see it - it's only a quality, it won't change a single thing in your world or the Laws of Nature (well it does, but it's not this change itself), kind of, but it's a great gift to have. Great gift for a soul. The process also testifies this "Faith", and I think definitely the direct vision of the Meaning is a great thing - it's also better than being told by priest that God has this meaning, or that it's there in the secret book somewhere. People without the meaning, they just do these "why not" activities.
Not sure if there are to many gifts. At first yes, but but Kundalini is sorta like transcendance but it is also a psychosis. I am not a researcher I'm just a man with a experience I wouldn't dare tell anyone except some random forum to keep my from going crazy holding it in. Listen I encountered a really strong spiritual attack but seen some incredible things but Kundalini talks about chakras an so fourth but through extreme traumatic experience on the spiritual side I could close my eyes an see a light well I had to really focus to get this light in view. Well... As I continued hours upon hours of focusing on this light while laying down eyes closed it started to get closer an closer.. when this light got close enough I noticed they were the little angel like beings ( so I thought) well as these little angels get closer they start passing by for a while than it happened the worse thing possible that really has me thinking God I'm still alive( not sure how much longer lol). The little cool looking angels all fuse together an turn into 2 big servants one looked like a snake an the other was bigger the bigger one that has arms an grabs the snake an swallows him. Than at that moment my body feels like gel an I feel as if I'm about to literally float off ground. On top of that the TV turns on by itself an a you tube story comes on about Lucifer talking about the whore of Babylon. I have so many unbelievable stories I wish someone had a chance to lie detect visions of some scary stuff before this happens. Most of it sounds like rambling but boy we are headed for a great an terrible day of the Lord. An I'm ground zero (I think).. point is read the Bible please cause any other route to the spiritual world leaves you meeting my buddy which is one HELL of a friend.. I can still see him an it true the wrath has been revealed. The Devil is real.. crazy crazy stuff..
Mine come and go. And everytime they go I worry they are gone forever. There may be official terms for these things but I'm still learning and trying not to be preoccupied by them as I know my body, mind, and nervous system still has a LONG healing journey still ahead of it. (I have a serious trauma history that K is helping to heal me of but it will be a long, painful process).
In no particular order,
I've experienced healing abilities through my hands on other people,
The ability to "just know" things about the weather (like the exact moment it will start to rain),
Ability to feel into the expereinces of "objects" (trees, rocks) and feel their relationships with other entities beyond our awareness (ants and trees for example have a fascinating relationship).
Sometimes I can "see" or "feel" people's personal histories through a single interaction...as though their minor body languages and what is or is not said reveals their deep subconscious, wounds, and so much about what they've experienced in families of origin (this is an overwhelming and DEEP empathy moment). I cannot prove that my insights are true but those insights have often led to my ability to deeply connect and provide some healing words in those moments that seem to have been greatly needed and appreciated...so I take them for what they are.
Sometimes I seem to "see" the entire universe free from time and across many dimensions
Sometimes my energy is off the charts high and other people around me seem to notice, as though I'm some sort of buzzing light. Strangers will stare, my closest people (spouse) experience their own consciousness shifts
Poetry flows out of me in stream of consciousness. Sometimes I manage to capture it in wriing but sometimes it is spoken and therefore empheral. Gone but so powerful in my experience.
Sometimes I see images and hear music.
Sometimes I'm able to see into my body as though it is a tiny universe and the chakras, lesser vortexs, and blockages glow in ways that communicate channels, Often this is to show me missalignments or and how to release blockages through either specific movements or by placing my hands on specific areas like electrodes to finish a circut.
Sometimes the feminine energy is so strong I have to dance or I become deeply aware that I'm walking on my mother's body (the earth) and that every step is a gift and should be gentle, a sensorial experience.
Sometimes I find that my feet are taking me somewhere specific and my nose or other senses are activating to indicate what my body needs thaty I ddin't consciously know I needed/wanted. Like my body knows things my mind hasn't quite caught onto. (e.g. herbs, honey, essential oils, teas, etc)
Sometimes other people's subtle body language is screaming at me so loud that I end up able to "read their minds" with how much I can feel their reactions or intentions before they speak
I have astral OOBE experiences about once a week. I'm still learning how to make good use of these.
I have spontaneously channeled energies that are fundamentally not human scale (Monther Earth and Cultures-as-entities) voicing opression and subjegation and ongoing slavery mechanisms. These physcially HURT, like energies are pouring through me that are WAY too much for my circutry.
I have also experienced hallucinations so I take all of this with a grain of salt. It's (sometimes shared) subjective experiences no scientific proof of any of it. But all of it has been healing and helped me to feel less alone and like my healing journey is worth the struggle.
I miss them when they are gone, but I am not functional to support myself when I'm in these states so its a mercy that they don't stay long.
Thank you for this place to share. I've never written them all out like this. I still worry I'm just going crazy, but ...this crowd seems to understand that connundrum.
Wow, quite an amazing range of experiences. I like your comment "trying not to be preoccupied by them". Remember that these are gifts to enhance our earthly life, be it in terms of healing ourselves or in helping others. I would not worry about losing them. They are always available on an "as needed" basis, provided, of course, that you maintain your center as much as possible. I wish you well on your journey, and welcome to this community.
Yes thank you for the reminder. I try to see them as in the moment gifts, as they usually pop up after a particularly rough periods. SO its like little milestone markers or celebratory moments. Not to be grasped too tightly. Onward...ever onward.
Ansa, what a beautiful sharing. I resonate with quite a few of the gifts you've liisted, not all, but many, you've articulated it all so beautifully.
You are going crazy 😂 but it's fine and sounds like you're right on track . You know, sometimes I haven't been able to access gifts but I feel as if it's been higher forces saying, it's not safe for you to access these energies right now and they've turned the tap off, and instructed me to rest and ground. Sometimes it's gotten so intense that I've begged for them to lighten the influx of energy. I don't force it and I don't push it...the gifts have come back every time, in a more balanced way. I'm also starting to find it easier to have 'normal' conversations with muggles and to have some 'normality' and enjoyment in my life without feeling like I'm commpromising my spiritual connection. After all, we need to be present...easier said than done with K on the loose 😆
Yes, it can be overwhelming, especially as it's difficult to differentiate between my own feelings and what I'm sensing from outside influences. I have learnt to check the state of my heart against the feeling. If my heart is at peace, any difficult feelings are coming from outside. If my heart is not at peace, I have some inner work to do!
This sounds like the gift of claircognizance (clear knowing) where information is sensed and known intuitively. I think that most people will be aware of clairvoyance (clear seeing) where information is received through images in the mind. I'm clairsentient which means I sense and know information through feeling it. Other senses may also be involved - clairaudience (clear hearing), clairgustance (clear tasting) and clairalience (clear tasting), for example.
From my own experience 'channels' become more open after the awakening, so perhaps just lying dormant waiting to be activated? 😀 or do you feel this is a gift you had as a child that was suppressed?
I've been very resistant to it, which makes me think I knew subconsciously it was there. Maybe it got me into trouble in the past so I suppressed it, that was my thinking.
There's been several times since my awakening that I had knowledge of some event without any rational explanation as to why I knew this. I suppose it's called extrasensory perception. A few examples are:
1) I saw a former co-worker of mine that I hadn't seen in several years and sensed that there was a recent birth of a girl in his family. I thought it strange since he was a bit old to be a father. A few years later, he and I were at a school concert where his granddaughter was performing.
2) While getting my seat for a dance concert in an auditorium, I passed next to a man, whom I never met before, and I knew that he was the husband of my dance teacher, who was performing that evening.
3) Having been divorced for 20 years and having had little contact with my ex-wife, I had the thought of googling my mother-in-law. I learned that she had just passed away three days earlier.
It's incredible isn't it...always makes me think about how much more we can develop these 'talents'. I feel sometimes like I can 'hear' people's thoughts, in my energy medicine work I can hear quite clearly when messages come through, this is something that has developed in the past year though. I've always had a sense of someone saying something to me, but in the sessions it's particularly clear.
I guess I should share mine too, Bo's post really resonated. Everything being stripped away, finances, health, relationships, home, possessions, identity...again and again and again. But psychic gifts emerging, clarity, health being restored and just recently, this month, feeling happy, I thought I would never feel it again. Also, clarity and purpose coming, with foundations in spirit and truth. Forged in the fire, gratitude 🔥
I'm 8 days from the 1 year mark. Which reminds me I need to get myself an anniversary gift lol. "Circumstances" that have been increasingly unfavorable and unhealthy have left me in financial ruin and the strength of my spyche has been pushed beyond anything I could have imagined. I mention this because.. despite what seems like complete worldly collapse I find myself standing on a mountain of strength. Any breaks and ease I receive from here on out will be met with Supreme gratitude and humility. I'd say my gifts received are new eyes and a new outlook and appreciation and tenderness toward the greatest gift... LIFE
Well for me. One is that after having asthma all my life since I was a young child since my Kundalini erupted 8 years ago it seems to have disappeared......which is pretty good!
Siddhis have emerged and then often disappeared as my Kundalini process was ongoing. Never sought them out, they emerged spontaneously depending on what K was doing at the time and where it was most active.
They included the gift of healing, remote viewing, astral projection, lucid dreaming, prophetic dreams and premonitions, sudden, flash-like realisations about the nature of things, at one point a free flow of creativity in the form of poetry and prose, channelling deities and their power and many more that I'm probably forgetting. Much stronger manifestation abilities too, but for some reason only when I wasn't trying and often they resulted in comical situations as I realised some thought I was having or was preoccupied with, caused a spontaneous manifestation IRL.
I arrived these things:
Psychic ability to manifest some certainty in my world, so that I was certain in some things; energy to avoid certain things happening to me. These protection shields were surprisingly strong; now I am in the Hell phase and it's fearing and endangering me all the time - it wants to burn my weakness; all this process seems to burn my weakness and I think it's more like Father, than Mother, in sense that it's not soft teaching, but it's definitely a gift.
I see much more into the Future, the feeling of future events my actions and deeds produce, is very strong.
It burnt a much higher scale of emotions into me - more purified, more beautiful auras, and replaced the normal colors with neon colors. Also it did teach higher social level, which is a gift. Right now, anyway, it shows the hell and I don't have social relations :D For boys like me, definitely there is more to do in the Hell than in Heaven - I always feel I lost something in the Hell and I need to go there (Dua Lipa has this song, Hotter Than Hell, this explains the thing a little).
Such a realistic Hell is also a gift - it's better than scouting and I think Kundalini also gives you all you need to get "through each level" in this "game"; it's not completely a reality, but it's something the Universe want to tell me. I think it would be the dream of Tom Sawyer - he said he does not like the idea of Heaven, just some nice women singing to you, but maybe he was a boy and not a man :D I think, especially for boys, the real Tickets to hell, which provides you with all the things you expect - nuclear fires in the sky, demons, zombies etc. -, it's a real gift, because when you come back you look a little like a man, whereas when you started, you was a boy. I think classical enlightenment has less of this element, usually they went to the Heaven and calmed down, and still live there if they are not dead.
The very high vision of the order in the Universe and the meaning. I think perception of order, meaning, the direction - it's a very high gift, because without this understanding, your struggles are completely bad. It's not such a great feeling if you are an atheist and think that in Evolution, finally the bad side wins and you will be simply one body in a realm of a mad dictator, destined to die after you had this zero-experience. Or another, that you are simply a meaningless structure of matter. I think if you feel the meaning, and see it - it's only a quality, it won't change a single thing in your world or the Laws of Nature (well it does, but it's not this change itself), kind of, but it's a great gift to have. Great gift for a soul. The process also testifies this "Faith", and I think definitely the direct vision of the Meaning is a great thing - it's also better than being told by priest that God has this meaning, or that it's there in the secret book somewhere. People without the meaning, they just do these "why not" activities.
Not sure if there are to many gifts. At first yes, but but Kundalini is sorta like transcendance but it is also a psychosis. I am not a researcher I'm just a man with a experience I wouldn't dare tell anyone except some random forum to keep my from going crazy holding it in. Listen I encountered a really strong spiritual attack but seen some incredible things but Kundalini talks about chakras an so fourth but through extreme traumatic experience on the spiritual side I could close my eyes an see a light well I had to really focus to get this light in view. Well... As I continued hours upon hours of focusing on this light while laying down eyes closed it started to get closer an closer.. when this light got close enough I noticed they were the little angel like beings ( so I thought) well as these little angels get closer they start passing by for a while than it happened the worse thing possible that really has me thinking God I'm still alive( not sure how much longer lol). The little cool looking angels all fuse together an turn into 2 big servants one looked like a snake an the other was bigger the bigger one that has arms an grabs the snake an swallows him. Than at that moment my body feels like gel an I feel as if I'm about to literally float off ground. On top of that the TV turns on by itself an a you tube story comes on about Lucifer talking about the whore of Babylon. I have so many unbelievable stories I wish someone had a chance to lie detect visions of some scary stuff before this happens. Most of it sounds like rambling but boy we are headed for a great an terrible day of the Lord. An I'm ground zero (I think).. point is read the Bible please cause any other route to the spiritual world leaves you meeting my buddy which is one HELL of a friend.. I can still see him an it true the wrath has been revealed. The Devil is real.. crazy crazy stuff..
Mine come and go. And everytime they go I worry they are gone forever. There may be official terms for these things but I'm still learning and trying not to be preoccupied by them as I know my body, mind, and nervous system still has a LONG healing journey still ahead of it. (I have a serious trauma history that K is helping to heal me of but it will be a long, painful process).
In no particular order,
I've experienced healing abilities through my hands on other people,
The ability to "just know" things about the weather (like the exact moment it will start to rain),
Ability to feel into the expereinces of "objects" (trees, rocks) and feel their relationships with other entities beyond our awareness (ants and trees for example have a fascinating relationship).
Sometimes I can "see" or "feel" people's personal histories through a single interaction...as though their minor body languages and what is or is not said reveals their deep subconscious, wounds, and so much about what they've experienced in families of origin (this is an overwhelming and DEEP empathy moment). I cannot prove that my insights are true but those insights have often led to my ability to deeply connect and provide some healing words in those moments that seem to have been greatly needed and appreciated...so I take them for what they are.
Sometimes I seem to "see" the entire universe free from time and across many dimensions
Sometimes my energy is off the charts high and other people around me seem to notice, as though I'm some sort of buzzing light. Strangers will stare, my closest people (spouse) experience their own consciousness shifts
Poetry flows out of me in stream of consciousness. Sometimes I manage to capture it in wriing but sometimes it is spoken and therefore empheral. Gone but so powerful in my experience.
Sometimes I see images and hear music.
Sometimes I'm able to see into my body as though it is a tiny universe and the chakras, lesser vortexs, and blockages glow in ways that communicate channels, Often this is to show me missalignments or and how to release blockages through either specific movements or by placing my hands on specific areas like electrodes to finish a circut.
Sometimes the feminine energy is so strong I have to dance or I become deeply aware that I'm walking on my mother's body (the earth) and that every step is a gift and should be gentle, a sensorial experience.
Sometimes I find that my feet are taking me somewhere specific and my nose or other senses are activating to indicate what my body needs thaty I ddin't consciously know I needed/wanted. Like my body knows things my mind hasn't quite caught onto. (e.g. herbs, honey, essential oils, teas, etc)
Sometimes other people's subtle body language is screaming at me so loud that I end up able to "read their minds" with how much I can feel their reactions or intentions before they speak
I have astral OOBE experiences about once a week. I'm still learning how to make good use of these.
I have spontaneously channeled energies that are fundamentally not human scale (Monther Earth and Cultures-as-entities) voicing opression and subjegation and ongoing slavery mechanisms. These physcially HURT, like energies are pouring through me that are WAY too much for my circutry.
I have also experienced hallucinations so I take all of this with a grain of salt. It's (sometimes shared) subjective experiences no scientific proof of any of it. But all of it has been healing and helped me to feel less alone and like my healing journey is worth the struggle.
I miss them when they are gone, but I am not functional to support myself when I'm in these states so its a mercy that they don't stay long.
Thank you for this place to share. I've never written them all out like this. I still worry I'm just going crazy, but ...this crowd seems to understand that connundrum.
Yes, it can be overwhelming, especially as it's difficult to differentiate between my own feelings and what I'm sensing from outside influences. I have learnt to check the state of my heart against the feeling. If my heart is at peace, any difficult feelings are coming from outside. If my heart is not at peace, I have some inner work to do!
This sounds like the gift of claircognizance (clear knowing) where information is sensed and known intuitively. I think that most people will be aware of clairvoyance (clear seeing) where information is received through images in the mind. I'm clairsentient which means I sense and know information through feeling it. Other senses may also be involved - clairaudience (clear hearing), clairgustance (clear tasting) and clairalience (clear tasting), for example.
There's been several times since my awakening that I had knowledge of some event without any rational explanation as to why I knew this. I suppose it's called extrasensory perception. A few examples are:
1) I saw a former co-worker of mine that I hadn't seen in several years and sensed that there was a recent birth of a girl in his family. I thought it strange since he was a bit old to be a father. A few years later, he and I were at a school concert where his granddaughter was performing.
2) While getting my seat for a dance concert in an auditorium, I passed next to a man, whom I never met before, and I knew that he was the husband of my dance teacher, who was performing that evening.
3) Having been divorced for 20 years and having had little contact with my ex-wife, I had the thought of googling my mother-in-law. I learned that she had just passed away three days earlier.
Love it 😄
Great to hear that you've found true happiness again!!
I guess I should share mine too, Bo's post really resonated. Everything being stripped away, finances, health, relationships, home, possessions, identity...again and again and again. But psychic gifts emerging, clarity, health being restored and just recently, this month, feeling happy, I thought I would never feel it again. Also, clarity and purpose coming, with foundations in spirit and truth. Forged in the fire, gratitude 🔥
I'm 8 days from the 1 year mark. Which reminds me I need to get myself an anniversary gift lol. "Circumstances" that have been increasingly unfavorable and unhealthy have left me in financial ruin and the strength of my spyche has been pushed beyond anything I could have imagined. I mention this because.. despite what seems like complete worldly collapse I find myself standing on a mountain of strength. Any breaks and ease I receive from here on out will be met with Supreme gratitude and humility. I'd say my gifts received are new eyes and a new outlook and appreciation and tenderness toward the greatest gift... LIFE
Well for me. One is that after having asthma all my life since I was a young child since my Kundalini erupted 8 years ago it seems to have disappeared......which is pretty good!