Hello everyone. Haven't posted in awhile. Been experiencing some rather "profound" things these last two weeks and felt moved to kinda limit my spiritual practice/ exploration and focus on grounding. I have even recently avoided reading spiritual books and exploring kundalini on the internet.
In any case, a few weeks ago, I did a guided mediation called "Deep Tension Release ." This is an exercise developed by Swami Khecarantatha (Nathaji), who is affiliated with Heart of Consciousness. In no way am I trying to convert people to Heart of Consciousness. I just want to give a brief account of my experiences.
After completing the exercise, I felt an increased influx of energy. The next day, I was experiening EXTREME head pressure and a whole ton of anger. Instead of running from these symptoms, I stayed with them and tried to keep my heart open. Suddenly, I felt a huge release of "psychic tension" and found myself almost dry heaving on the floor. I felt physically sick and literlly nauseous. I feel that I rid myself of a lot of repressed emotions and a lot of trauma stored in my heart chakra. All of the sudden, all of the anger I was experiencing melted away and I was left with a profound sense of sadness. Not depression, but kind of a sadness mixed with a deep sense of empathy. I felt sadness for my difficult childhood, sadness for some of the things I've done in my life, and sadness for not surrendering to the K process. I then felt profound sadness for how we are treating each other in this world, sadness for how we are treating Mother Earth, and sadness for the military wars we continue to fight. For an entire day, I was literally reduced to tears. Again, this was not depression, but sadness mixed with empathy. It was VERY cathartic and healing.
For a few days after this, I was in an EXTREMELY sensitive state. I couldn't watch violent movies, couldn't watch horror movies, had to be picky and choosy about the music I listend to and people I talked with, etc. I felt totally "psychically blown."
Over the past two weeks, I have experienced about a thousand synchronicities, had some deep insights, had some spiritual experiences, etc etc etc. I won't really get into these experiences or go on and on about them. Slowly, I am slowly becoming more and more grounded.
In any case, from these experiences over the last two weeks, I have come to realize for myself that I am here on this planet to do God's will. I use the term "God" for simplicity's sake. I don't think it matters how you define or name God, or if you are an atheist, I have just come to realize for myself that I am here to do the "right thing" and be of benefit/service to others and to this planet.
I have also recently found it beneficial to view my K energy as not my own but as a gift from "God" or the universe or whatever, and that it is important that I appreciate it, work with it, and use it to benefit others.
I think surrender to the process is key. I also now tend to agree with Tara Springett that at the "heart" of kundalini syndrome symptoms are repressed emotions as well as repressed trauma.
To sum up, these have indeed been a crazy, profound, and beautiful two or so weeks. I still have a lot of repressed emotions/ trauma. I have dealt with a lot of anxiety my whole life ever since early childhood. I have come to the realization that I hold these emotions and trauma in my solar plexus. I am now moved to release these emotions/ traumas in a gentle way. I am going to begin by using Tara Springett's recommendations on how to work with the chakras. To be honest, I always thought the chakra system was BS, but not anymore.
Apologies for the lengthy post, I just felt moved to share a slice of my experiences over the last two weeks. Again I am grateful for this site as a place where I can discuss my experiences.
Another thank you for sharing Stephen. All this "shadow" work but its very nature can be very difficult but I believe that it is so important if we are to allow Kundalini to help us to heal past trauma and somehow be a clear vessel and in harmony with Truth....if you see what I mean!! Thanks again.
Hi Stephen,
Thank you for sharing.
I can relate to a lot of what you shared and am wishing you a nourishing integration of the past two weeks.
Ha - I used to think the chakra system was BS too. Now it’s as clear as the nose on my face.
And the opinion you mentioned, of Tara Springett “the "heart" of kundalini syndrome symptoms are repressed emotions as well as repressed trauma.” — yes yes I totally relate to this. My k started moving when I was in a trauma clinic - to me
its all energy; trapped trauma is trapped, old, energy in the body — and k guides and supports my body to release the energy (in all forms) that’s bringing blocks to my body.
Keep us updated if you feel to.
I'll keep you guys updated. Still kinda coming down back to earth from the clouds to be honest (although part of me does not want to). Mind you, my reality testing remained intact throughout the entire experience and overall the experience was both beautiful and humbling, though there were a few moments when I began to question my sanity and got a bit concerned. I feel this was due to my own fear, which I need to work on. I look forward to our online meeting at the end of the month.
Thanks for sharing. It would be great if you can update us as you move along with this process, It sounds very positive!
Hi Stephen, thank you for a beautiful and vulnerable sharing experience, integration of a Kundalini, awakening, gift, exploration and expansion.
I can relate in MANY ways. Soo much damage from the past and soo much misdirected energy and defensive behavior. I'm at that stage again where I'm turned off by almost everything. Thank you for sharing Steven! Your message really hits home and is more supportive than you may realize.