Hey guys. I haven't posted or visited this site in awhile. I definitely plan on attending the next meet up at the end of this month.
In any case, I have become involved with a group known as Heart of Conscisouness and would suggest checking them out. I am NOT trying to convert anyone to this practice (which is a Tantric practice). Indeed, I still have some resentments over having Catholicism forced on me when growing up. I just invite you to check them out if you are so inclined.
Heart of Consciousness definitely passed my "Is this a cult?" test with flying colors. There is a guru (Nathaji), but he does not demand respect nor is he after your pocketbook. He is just a teacher. Reading Depth Over Time and Spiritual Cannibalism (written by some of the leaders of Heart of Consciousness) has been immesely beneficial, The mp3 meditation practices I received from Heart of Consciousness have also been extremely helpful.
With so many new age practitioners working near where I live (California), it is hard to discern who is legit and who is full of BS. I myself have wasted hundreds of dollars on Reiki "attunements" from practioners who were (hopefully) well-intentioned but did not know what they were doing. Personally, I get the sense that "Nathaji" is the real deal and knows whats up when it comes to kundalini awakenings. In any case, just like to share my positive experiences with Heart of Consciousness and invite you guys to check them out if you wish to do so. There are free online shaktipat transmissions and in-person sessions in several different countries. Personally, I wish I found these guys a lot earlier in my k awakening process. Just my two cents.