Dear all! I'm fresh new as within a kundalini awakening process, I had a few peak experiences and the last happend 3 days ago. I've been reading a lot and I mist say its a very tiring process, within everything else happening. I'm going through a beautiful journey, I'll write the details in the right section.
For now, I'm looking for answers about this being a common issue: my body trembles a lot, for months now. Initially after TRE training, then any yoga class and whenever i called it to express, including sexual arousal manifestation. Since the last peak experiences, I can now move my energy withing my body, following the chakras, and this is something I'm exploring as smoothly as possible. My point is: I feel as if I can choose whether my energy is moved through this trembling or contained in a "ball" going up and down the spine. That's where I'm at, at the moment. Quite important, as I need to go back to work tomorrow and this feels like a good tool for me to auto-regulate averything in balence. I will explore this website with time! Thank you so much for any coments and support 🙏 and lots of love for this awakening process, the world needs it and we need to learn how to navigate it together!
I have a very similar thing. Once I sit down or lie, and meditate, when I stand up - there is something, what seems to be an energy rush, but I really cannot conclude to the end, whether it's an energy. I think it is. There is a vibration and I have to use all my willpower to not look strange, falling back to sitting position for a moment.
I don't know what it is, but for me it seems I tolerate more energy when I learn to fully take this experience, without moving away (I can change my state a little bit, but then I kind of feel I lost this energy, so I want to remain in this state, where it flows through) - I need to be able to stand and not fall back in any way, when the energy flows through me. I think this is the solution. But I don't know, what it is - sometimes it's really like energy, but other times it's simply like on bzzzzzz, one unnamed event.
Hey Marta, yeah lots of experience with this. At the moment it's every morning and intense glossolalia. Not sure about you but it tends to go up my spine but particularly up my right arm, which holds various mudras.
Yoga tends to make it flow as well. Appreciate this comment was back in Novemeber, how is it going now?