i have a question to pose. i had my initial kundalini awakening experience back in 2012. lot's of things have happened since then and i'm not going to get into that, assuming that anyone here who has also experienced such a thing, has some understanding of what that might entail. over the past several years, maybe 5 or more, i have noticed something with regard to me, specifically. while i'm not suggesting anything about my spiritual path or the extent to which i've evolved in any kind of "spiritual" direction, i do feel like i've gone deep with things going back to the beginning. i no longer find myself living that same mundane life i probably once had, although, i do know that i was never really like everyone else back in the day. anyway, for the past several years, i've noticed that when i make plans to travel outside of the area in which i live, bad things happen to me, my family, and my surroundings. it sometimes seems, the further i travel, the worse things get. bad weather that causes us to lose power just before leaving making life difficult, car problems while driving to where i need to go that cost lots of money and/or get us stuck, sickness just before or during the time in which i go, shootings near or where i am at, here's my most recent example, i was scheduled to go for work to a conference in las vegas, today, oct 1. two weeks ago, hurricane lee all of the sudden threatened to come up to the northeast of new england with potential power outages (although it didn't happen). a week ago, my whole family got sick and although short lived, it was really intense for three days-threatening my ability to fly out this weekend. on tuesday, my mother died unexpectedly. the next day one of my chickens died. last friday while i drove to cape cod to clear some things up, my daughter was home and her rabbit died. these are just one example. every time i go away something really disruptive happens towards me. last christmas we went to vermont. we got up the rental house and a snowstorm had just hit and the house had no power, no heat, no water for the first two days in utterly freezing conditions. the next morning, the car i was driving with 3 other people, lost it's heat and defrost and we were unable to drive. it's always something, always. years ago, i went to vegas for work, planning on visiting the luxor on the sunday i arrived. last minuted i changed my mind. that night, they had the mass shooting at the concert and vegas was effectivey shut down. this stuff happens EVERY time i want to travel. i feel like i have someone or something watching me, looming over me, not wanting me to interact with people. i feel like it wants me locked down to my hometown, like i'm in prison. i don't know if i have a demon or spirit attached to me. or, if there are watchers out there who are pissed i can see through the lies and they don't want me sharing, they don't like my vibration or something. are there others out there who have awakened the kundalini who experience similar things, strangeness, like they are being chased by dark forces for figuring out to some degree this whole nature of reality/kundalini/spirituality thing? it's been going on way to long for me to ignore and chalk up to coincidence. seeking advice...
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This, well, makes me think. I don't know what it is.
I can tell you the dark force definitely starts to attack you as you gain light; maybe the materialist people feel your energies around - and block them. Maybe in their senses, it's not so good energy - maybe the world becomes better, and in the better world, they would argue, they are worse. The most common thing is that your energy works around you, and the materialist people are fighting it directly, not necessarily you - but then, you get it back into your life.
For me, my energy - I cannot show it at all, people on the street start fighting me somehow, even if it's really innocent thing; somehow, their lives get troubled when good energies start to work - it's definitely a change, and they are definitely left behind, maybe they measure it by percents and if before, they had connections with big percent of people, later they have small percent, who still wants them. They can also sense the future a little bit - they look into the faces of people, and they understand, which futures those reflect.
The dark energies, those are in the past patterns, and they do not want to give up those patterns - they have very positive attitude, but those patterns themselves are positive; and they might not want to help you up - they don't want to help others to become better than themselves.
What you can do is awareness:
You probably feel the dark energy before. Become more aware of it.
Negative energy, as you become conscious of it, it changes immediately; instead of direct knowledge - the negative energy of you must react in it's own ways; when they are in the light - they go to darkness. So it's not exactly the light; it's what I call the Negative Force, which is able to play this hide-and-seek game and really become into what you need in life.
You have to work with your meditative consciousness of these energies, but you cannot directly feel them - so, instead, you need to understand that Darkness is not Light, and you cannot work with it as if it was; when you work with Darkness - it's the Dark force in you willing to unbecome, it's a force which plays tricks on you, has different mind and friendship, and it guides you finally through the safe strategy.
Hi, from my experience it is possible to have energetic attachments/entities in our auric field that are not for our highest good, not to say their intent is necessarily malicious, but it can cause interference in our lives . I had an auric clearing recently, I can highly recommend the lady I worked with (she is my Quantum Healing teacher actually)...you can connect with her and see if it's a good match for both of you and she may be able to pick up and help clear any external interference, from an energetic perspective that is.
Hi, I am so sorry to hear that you have had such a hard time. Very sorry to hear about your mother.
I think we all perceive reality in our own way.
Personally, I do not perceive external spirits that may be trying to make my life difficult after I have had a kundalini awakening. I do understand that some people and cultures do have this perception..
For me I think that in the process we do often have to face real challengers, our own trauma and shadow.....and sometimes these can be projected outwards.
Sorry, not sure I am being very helpful here. All I can say is what someone said to me when I was in the rabbit hole of darkness.....it will get better............I did not believe them of course....but it did and they were right.
All we can do I think is have the best intention to live our lives in a positive and loving way....and to let go...and trust things will get better.