I've been lurking here from time to time, just completed my first community zoom. I had a spontaneous K awakening at age 19, I'm currently 65. The awakening expeience went like this.
I was camping in the wilderness. When I awoke from a deep sleep the body was stone cold to the bone, I was frightened, never had I exoerienced such cold before. I quickly got out of the sleeping bag and out of the tent, standing in the light of day I determined that I was indeed still alive, so I went back into the tent and zipped up the sleeping bag trying to warm up but there seemed to be no heat in the body at all.
Suddenly as if someone had opened a hot water tap a delicious warmth filled the body and I felt as though I were weightless floating on the swells of a vast ocean. At that point I lost conciousness, woke up later as if nothing had happened. I didn't know what to think of it. Decades later I read a description of my same experience in a book entitled "Kundalini Tantra" which was said to be indicative of a spontaneous K awakening.
Prior to that during sleep or meditation I would hear a whooshing sound in my head. It would come and go as if it were in an ecentric orbit going around my head. This went on from time to time for years. (past the spontaneous awakening)
Then suddenly there were two whooshes coming and going, speeding up to the point where there was a continueous intense whooshing, the a click as though a switch were tripped and the whoosh changed to an electric buzzing in the brain that would extend throughout the body.. I noticed the the initial whooshing only happened when the mind was clear of thought. If thought started again, the whoosh would stop. I learned to keep the mind clear of thought and simply observe which enabled the process to continue.
I used to hear a beautiful female voice call my name from inside my head when lying awake after a sleep or meditation. I had been clean of drugs and alcool for some time, I was having beautiful inner energy experiences, and the voice became very sweet and seductive. Then I fell off the wagon, got very drunk, and the voice screamed at me fiercly, but still only calling my name. I have not heard it since.
So I conclude that drugs and alcohol are an impediment to self realization. So called "Awakening" is only a step along the metaphorical path, it doesn't mean one has "arrived", It is possible to damage onself through abuse of drugs and alcohol, they are not, as I have heard some say, beneficial to the process.
Hi Carl, thank you for your post.
Just to pick up on the alcohol issue...as it is something I do find myself thinking about.....with no real conclusion.
I think the drug and alcohol issue is a difficult one. I would have thought that over indulgence that leads to damaging our physical health has got to be counter productive and damaging to our spiritual path...But I have noticed with alcohol some people after kundalini awakening just have no interest in drinking at all, whereas some others still enjoy having a few beer so to speak without any apparent harm to their spiritual process....so perhaps as with so many aspects of the process we are all different..