Hey All, thought i would drop in and say hi to everyone and really grateful to find this page - thank you brent spirit!! . Just thought i would share a little about my Kundalini Awakening so far as brief as i can!! I experienced a Kundalini Awakening at the beginning of lockdown, i think the straw that broke the camels back (so to speak and quite literally!!!) was practicing Qi Gong with the shaolin temple online, this definatley unlocked some energy!! Like many others on here i believe that i had always been listening to the quiet whispers of my soul which led me on the path, Im incredibly grateful and blessed in this lifetime with my family and the childhood i had, Generational and past lives has been coming up for me. The journey really began for me very young, as i always knew there was something more than this physical reality and just that there was way more going on (little did i know what that looked like 😂). I visited India around 20 years ago and as soon as my feet hit the ground, i cried and had this overwheming feeling that i had returned home.! My love affair with india started i kept returning each year to uncover more of my journey. During my awakening i was given a glimpse of past lives and scenes and there is just this profound sense of knowing that my past life was in india . The process has been a rollercoaster, dark nights of the soul (fear, social conditioning etc) learning how to manage and integrate the energy, how sensitive i have become to energies, how to have one foot in the material and one foot in the spiritual (ive found this particulary challenging of late) duality! Having little interests in the things that once gave me pleasure, surrendering to the process, the egoic mind and how loud this becomes(wow that really is a comedy show isnt it?!) . Im really grateful to find this group and connect with like minded souls as this really is a journey and not always easy to find people to talk with and share your experiences with,
Sending much love to you all , thank you for reading!🙏
Thank you for sharing your story! I always enjoy reading about different experiences and hearing about the different tools that are used to navigate this process. ❤️