The still quiet voice
As a a person who was diagnosed with schizophrenia based upon hearing voices or quiet whispers, the following opinions have formed the experience to write the following enveloping a relationship with invisible beings.
Firstly, I had to do my discernment I joined the spiritualist church and developed medium ship in circles, it was an opportunity to validate and dismiss what was experienced in the form of auditory Information within myself, but seemed to have it’s agenda, it was intrusive concerning and was hard to distinguish first of all. What was my thoughts? What was other peoples thoughts, whether there was a possibility of invisible people communicating, indeed also telepathy with pets and plants And also what seemed to be At first dismissed connection with higher beings like God.
I was 21 years old. When I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I was paranoid and hearing commentary within myself that I I had not developed the language of a discernment, or even the guidance to know what this phenomenon. I was paranoid because of sleep deprivation and quickly stabilised after my first dose of psychiatric medication, the doctors and nurses praised the medication, but I am on for life as a diagnosis of schizophrenia is very difficult to get changed. What I do believe happened was that the medication had sedated me and allowed me to get a good night sleep This made me feel instantly better the next day.
Another reason for my mental health problems was a dilemma, this dilemma and my intuition was drawing me to a search for an solution to my psychological, spiritual Mental, and emotional pain this was around 911 the time of the twin towers attack. This was the beginning of my awakening. A time when I started asking the bigger questions.
I believe everybody has a voice like the voice of the conscience. This may be the beginning for many people to realise they have a voice of conscience or an angel who sits on the shoulder with the devil on the opposing shoulder. We all have a sense of right and wrong with discernment. My experience has brought me to the conclusion that there is a happy a neutral and a sad. These are the three states that I worked with. It became apparent, I could not be happy but I realised there was a place of neutrality, which seemed to be one step closer to being happy neutrality is a powerful state. This is what I use for discernment and learned me to be passive when receiving intuitive guidance from invisible beings.
I pursued any activity I might suggest Tai Chi meditation and yoga to bypass the fight flight freeze response, as the voices can trigger a process of putting you into a state of fear, guilt, and anxiety, from which negative beings can feed off and influence you and physically trigger a adrenaline production, from which if you sit ruminating and connecting dots of various threats, psychological, emotional, and spiritual, inactivity with this response once triggered it turns into stress and tension which you will know leads to blockages in the energy body leading to physical disease
So the key for me was to be neutral passive, but aware .
my first voice was from a friend who I had bonds with who had committed suicide, and I believed given them permission by asking them to help me from the other side shortly after taking his life Instead, I got lot of negative imprints from a troubled soul And all the regret, the father of two sons had seemed to have amplified on to me.
This brings me to the second part of my development was to then harness and bring silence and distance from the voices. This happened as I had reached state of neutrality this meant that my effort and my curiosity had led me to an enquiry into what it would be like to be nobody and do nothing. This intention became my initiation into the void the emptiness it is said that the void is a pregnant void and emptiness is fullness similar to how how a bowl becomes useful because it hollow. I started this process years ago. I am now 45 I started tai chi when I was 21, after my younger years developing my athletic body, I turned to the mind I had to create space between the thoughts and thought forms that were what people call the monkey mind and the mind chatter I did this with mantras and prayer beads. It was important to develop a focus so that I could extend the period of inner silence even for a few seconds and stillness Meditation teachers point to this. But only you can do the work.
If you do not disturb, the pond will become clear and you can see to the bottom. This means to me to get out of the reactive state and I observe without triggering response internally. This is when the quiet voice became more clear in the early days. It was a journey of resolving issues with people, in the spirit world, and in this world, and my means was prayer and dialogue with the telepathy that I was receiving, I learned about these four key statements I’m sorry please forgive me. I love you and thank you. I use this for my communication with all invisible beings I use this is a formula to remember that communication is either a requirement for forgiveness. Thanks love or apology.
after developing a relationship with my guides,and resolved deeper levels of all miss doing to others and receiving love from others who had unfinished business with me, ended in gratitude for someone or some being. you can learn about the hoponohopno prayer which is ancient and is used to resolve conflict in the tribe or in community and relationships.
when I became more confident, I made the intention to approached the great, white, brotherhood or sisterhood of light. These are ascended masters beings that come back from the other side to assist individuals and humanity in spiritual development to bring heaven on Earth as I did not have a physical teacher, I felt competent enough to find invisible teachers that could help me raise my awareness to consciousness, The still quiet voice is I believe what is meant by turning inwards as you probably know by now yourself, it can be a frightening and sometimes feel like you are losing your mind. But it can result in the dissolution of the ego to find your true self, and awareness of different consciousness states how to get there with guidance and initiation on how to develop relationships with these ascended masters the intelligence of the universe will teach you, all you need to do is knock on the door, and it will be opened.